Thursday, March 5, 2020

Before I knew it

It just dawned on me that I'm already in another stage of parenthood.

My kids are now sleeping through the night.

I can do my cooking in the kitchen while watching Netflix, knowing that the both of them will be occupied in the living room with each other or with their own toys.

My daughter now comes to me to ask about Math instead of how to open her water bottle.

My son is so expressive now that he sings his answer when being questioned.
Me: Emmett! Where is your water bottle?
Emmett: I don't know no no no no no no (in "Baby Shark" tune)

They can both eat their own dinner without much supervision/ feeding.

They come to me and ask to refill their water bottle when it's empty.

They can both now help to do simple chores like folding the laundry or keeping their toys. Just yesterday, Charlotte helped in changing the bed sheets by taking out and putting on a new pillow case. Emmett tried by asking the sister to help.

I can now stand at the bathroom door while waiting for them to take off their own uniforms to take a shower.

I can now stare into the abyss and wonder who's that staring back at me.

Before I knew it, I'm getting back my freedom, bit by bit.
Before I knew it, they'll be running their own world. Without me.

It's strange but I have to admit, I'm missing their littleness and their helplessness. I thought I wouldn't. At the same time, I'm thankful for the new found... freedom? Oh, and that 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Ah, the conflict of my little heart!


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