Sunday, July 21, 2019

Tough Week

It's been a tough week.

I bought 3 rounds of clothes online and none of them fit me. And they're all in XL/XXL sizes. I was extremely down and defeated. What have I done to myself? I'm at my peak right now... in terms of weight and size. Now that breastfeeding is not so much of a full time thing anymore, I thought I could finally be myself again. But I guess... not. I over estimated myself for being able to fit in beautiful dresses.

Then on Saturday, I had this instinct to check on Charlotte. My heart sank when I saw those tiny spots on her right palm and ulcers in her mouth. The symptoms were just starting to show. Like, JUST. A HFMD case was reported from school on Wednesday.

As a result, our staycation at KL Hilton was burnt.

The last time she got HFMD was exactly 2 years ago, on the day I turned 30.

You have no idea how disappointed I am. But it's not her fault. We're just unlucky.

I'm now just sitting around, trying to get work done on the computer while everyone's still asleep, and waiting for Emmett's symptoms to show. I mean, how much can he be prevented? They just shared a lot of food the day before! I just wish that he's either strong enough to not get infected at all or show symptoms now so all this can be over as soon as possible.

Also, I really need to do something with my body. I know what to do, but it's so so hard. Especially hard times like this. Sugar comforts me.

Alright. Need to head back to work now.


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