Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Letter To A Mom Who Just Lost Her Child

Dear mummy who just lost a child,

I was there when your cousin received the news. I was shocked. I remember reading on social media about your little one suddenly having high fever in the middle of the night.Within 24 hours, he's gone.

As a mother, my heart bleeds for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel. Being a mother is the most rewarding title and the most satisfying role. But to have that taken away, it's just so unfair. I can't even begin to fathom how you deal with this situation. It's heart-wrenching enough just to hear about the news. Today, I went on Google to look up for the title for a mother who loses a child. But there is no word for it because it is too awful to put into words. It should never happen.

Even though we are only acquaintance, this sad sad news about the passing of your little angel has impacted me more than I can imagine. I have been crying just thinking about it. I know it must have been much worse for you. And so I've been praying for you in the mornings in hopes that you can find some sort of strength and comfort to carry on with life. I wish I could hug you tight, so that you won't fall apart.

I am really, truly sorry for your loss. It is not how the scheme of things are supposed to go. I don't understand why did this happened to you, but I do know the love a mother has for her child does not waiver and is never-ending.

So, even if you feel that every day is a challenge, please know that there are people like me who are rooting and praying for you. There is someone out there who hurts for you and hopes for peace in your heart. Take it one day at a time, let time heal you. And please, allow people to help you get through this. Your cousin said that you are a strong women. And I believe in you, too.

When you finally get through this tragedy, please know that you will be one of the strongest persons on earth.

A fellow mother.


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