Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap day 2020

I've never really have any special feeling about leap day until this year.

This leap day, I spent it taking a counselling course in Johor Bahru. I spent 9 fruitful hours there and got really pleased with what I did for myself. And then, I spent 3 hours plus on the road in the dark trying to reach home safe and sound. And thank God, I did! Boy, driving in the dark is really something else. It was intense because I have astigmatism. It was really really taxing and stressful on the road. I had to blast songs from my YouTube list 5 volume higher so that I can sing along to keep myself awake and aware. I enjoyed my journey down South the day before more, when the sky was still bright.

 Also, this leap day, Malaysia government changed again. When the news broke, my heart sank and I could feel anger inside me. Helpless at the same time because not sure what the future holds. 

2 more minutes till application for Primary School is open. Wish me luck!


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